Coursera Data Visualization
I highly recommend for everybody who has data to plot or present
Since Fall 2002 I have been studying electronic engineering at the University of Stuttgart I am now specializing in control- and automationtechnology with the focus on software engineering. Here you will find useful information like formula collections, or other documents I wrote during my studies.
For “Hochfrequenztechnik” or radio frequency technology in english I wrote this summary of RF-formulas (pdf). The LaTeX source also has nice examples how to draw a smith chart RF-Formulas (TeX). When processing it you won’t see much in the .dvi file because the Smith chart is added through “PS-tricks”. Therefore you have to convert the .dvi into a postscript using dvips.
I guess the first LaTeX document I once wrote, is a this Emacs Primer (pdf). I just wrote it do get to know LaTex, and of course not to forget all the fancy commands Emacs offers. As I believe in Open Source, you can also download the LaTeX Source of Emacs Primer (TeX).
Studienarbeit (pdf) This is a minor theses every electronic engineering student has to write during his studies. Its a stripped down Master theses but you gain no title with it. its just part of your studies. I did mine on security of embedded systems during my stay in Brazil. Unfortunately the syleguide of the IAS the institute where I did this theses, required me to use Microsoft Office tools. So ther is no nice LaTeX version of it.
Diplomarbeit (pdf) This is more or less a german version of a Master theses. The main topic was to implement some cryptographic algorithms on a FPGA and integrate drives into an existing “Security Framework” Software. Unfortunately the syleguide of the IAS the institute where I did this theses, required me to use Microsoft Office tools. So ther is no nice LaTeX version of it. Now, one year later I have started to review and improve some code honestly I am ashamed of the VHDL of the very first implementations I wrote in the thesis.
I highly recommend for everybody who has data to plot or present