Sorry guys, I won’t do your homework or master thesis

... just no!

plagiarism is rampant in the internet age, no doubt even most prominent German politicians have lost their jobs for that dirty little copy-paste action. It seems tempting to take a google result and include it in “your” work. But that is easy to spot. If there is no content in the above paragraph and now all of a sudden a solid well formulated statement is made the suspicious reader might just throw that piece at google. Some “smarter”people therefore change the wording of the rip-off or (if capable) translate form another language which is much harder to detect. Anyway this is not exactly topic of this post. What I find even worse than actively compiling a piece of text from different sources is being asked to do all the work!

My AES Core at is very popular and I am really proud of it. I deliberately released the VHDL sources under the BSD license. You can even build commercial products! The only thing I asked is to give me feedback on bugs or an email if you encounter problems with the core to use it. But hey I won’t do your homework! I am quite fed up with emails like this:

I have seen your project at I am looking for a person, who would do a fault correction implementation of AES, sth simmilar to

Cool sounds like a nice side-job, I haven’t been working on the core for some time. I replied suggesting a project on opencores raising issues about the liability. This is what I got back:

Thank you very much for your interest in the subject. I am sorry for my late reply, but I was offline for the whole weekend. Regarding me - I am a student and the modified AES is a part of my M.Sc. Therefore I would not like to make the project GPL. The liability of a non-responsive satellite is not critical.

Wtf? is he really asking me to do his M.Sc?

Do you think you can cope with the project ? What would be your financial expectations ?

Yes he is, even offering money.

This was not the only case, I have some more email-conversations, true most didn’t blankly offer money. But still asking for doing at least the homework with high urgency. Dear students,I am willing to help, I know life at university can be hard. But please at least read the documentation and get familiar with your tools!