An App, it's an App

My pet project during unemployment

O.k. admitted, “App” is no longer buzz-word of the year and there is already at least one ‘App’ for everything. But nevertheless I proudly present my first Android App on Google Play Store

WhatNext App Icon

Actually I didn’t write this app in desperate need for a todo List, I got myself organized before having a smartphone. But the development of this app it was the main justification why to buy an android gadget.

Developing it kept me busy while I was looking for a job here in Brazil (and having found a job was the main reason why publishing the results of development took so long…)

I hope most bugs are found and if I find time I would like to implement some more features. If you have a dire need for some functionality please comment (sync with google-tasks is currently my plan)


The Link to the App in the Google PlayStore is long dead, I never updated the App. But if you would like to see the source and revive the app, check out Github